Source code for fastimgproto.coords

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np

[docs]def time_of_next_transit(observer_longitude, target_ra, start_time, tolerance=0.02 * u.arcsec): """ Calculate time, ``t`` when the local-hour-angle of target will be 0. (Such that ``start_time <= t < start_time + 24*``.) NB: This gives no guarantees about visibility / horizons, as we are ignoring observer-declination / target-declination here. Just provides a useful way of setting up an observation at a good hour-angle, for a given time-period. Args: observer_longitude (astropy.coordinates.Longitude): Longitude of position on Earth target_ra (astropy.coordinates.Longitude): Right ascension of sky-target. start_time (astropy.time.Time): Time to start from. tolerance (astropy.units.Quantity): If target's LHA is within ``tolerance`` of zero at ``start_time``, simply return ``start_time``. Otherwise look for the next transit. Dimensions of angular width (arc). Returns: astropy.time.Time: Approximate time of the next transit (good to around 0.02 arcsec) """ # Note, we get better looking precision we use 'mean' sidereal time, # i.e. the ``t.sidereal_time`` for returned ``t`` will be closer to 0. # However, since this ignores nutation, it will actually be a less accurate # value. lst = start_time.sidereal_time('apparent', longitude=observer_longitude) target_lha = lst - target_ra if np.fabs(target_lha) < tolerance: return start_time # Time to transit, in units of seconds: # (Recall, ``LHA=-6h`` -> target is about to rise. time_to_transit = -1.*u.sday* (target_lha / (24. * u.hourangle)) if time_to_transit < 0: time_to_transit = time_to_transit + 1.*u.sday return start_time + time_to_transit
[docs]def xyz_to_uvw_rotation_matrix(hour_angle, declination): """ Generates rotation matrix from XYZ -> UVW co-ordinates, for given HA, Dec. For an explanation and derivation, see Notebook 4.1, Sections 4.1.1d and 4.1.2 of ("The (`u,v,w`) Space") The definition of XYZ used here is that: - X axis points towards the crossing of the celestial equator and meridian at hour-angle :math:`H=0h` - Y axis points towards hour-angle :math:`H=-6h` (Due East from telescope, in the local-XYZ / local hour-angle case.) - Z axis points towards the North Celestial Pole (NCP). The definition of UVW used here is that: - the `u`-axis lies in the celestial equatorial plane, and points toward the hour angle :math:`H_0-6h` (where :math:`H_0` is the hour-angle of the source) (i.e. East of source). - the `v`-axis lies in the plane of the great circle with hour angle :math:`H_0`, and points toward the declination and points toward the declination :math:`\\frac{\\pi}{2}-\\delta_0` (North of source). - the `w`-axis points in the direction of the source. Can be used to generate a rotation matrix for either local XYZ co-ordinates, or for Global XYZ (also known as ECEF or ITRF) co-ordinates. In the case of local-XYZ co-ords the hour-angle :math:`H_0` supplied should be Local-hour-angle (relative to transit, :math:`LHA = LST - RA`). In the case of Global XYZ co-ords it should be Greenwich hour angle (:math:`GHA = GST - RA`, where `GST` is Greenwich Sidereal Time). NB `LST = GST + Longitude`, equivalently `LHA = GHA + Longitude` (with the standard convention of East-is-positive) Args: hour_angle (astropy.units.Quantity): Source hour-angle. Dimensions of angular width (arc). dec (astropy.units.Quantity): Source declination. Dimensions of angular width (arc). Returns: numpy.ndarray: Rotation matrix for converting from XYZ to UVW. [Dtype ``numpy.float_``, shape ``(3, 3)``] """ har = # HA-radians dr = # Dec-radians rotation = np.array( [[np.sin(har), np.cos(har), 0], [-np.sin(dr) * np.cos(har), np.sin(dr) * np.sin(har), np.cos(dr)], [np.cos(dr) * np.cos(har), -np.cos(dr) * np.sin(har), np.sin(dr)]], dtype=np.float_) return rotation
[docs]def z_rotation_matrix(rotation_angle): """ Rotation matrix for a passive transformation counter-clockwise about Z-axis (i.e. rotation of co-ordinate system) Args: rotation_angle (astropy.units.Quantity): Rotation-angle. Dimensions of angular width (arc). Returns: numpy.ndarray: Rotation matrix """ ar = # Angle in radians rotation = np.array( [[np.cos(ar), np.sin(ar), 0], [-np.sin(ar), np.cos(ar), 0], [0, 0, 1], ], dtype=np.float_) return rotation