Source code for fastimgproto.telescope.base

from __future__ import print_function

from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import combinations

import as ascii
import astropy.units as u
import attr.validators
import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation
from astropy.table import Table
from attr import attrib, attrs

from fastimgproto.coords import (
from fastimgproto.utils import reset_progress_bar

_validator_optional_ndarray = attr.validators.optional(

[docs]class Telescope(object): """ Data-structure for holding together array layout and central position. Also takes care of baseline calculation and antenna/baseline label-tracking. Instantiate using the named constructors, e.g.:: meerkat = Telescope.from_itrf( *parse_itrf_ascii_to_xyz_and_labels(meerkat_itrf_filepath) ) Attributes: centre (astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation): Centre of the array ant_labels (list): Antennae labels ant_itrf_xyz (numpy.ndarray): Antennae xyz_positions in ITRF frame. [dtype: ``np.float_``, shape ``(n_antennae,3,)``. ant_local_xyz (numpy.ndarray): Antennae xyz_positions in local-XYZ frame. [dtype: ``np.float_``, shape ``(n_antennae,3,)``. baseline_local_xyz (numpy.ndarray): Baseline xyz-vectors in local-XYZ frame. [dtype: ``np.float_``, shape ``(n_baselines,3,)``. baseline_labels (list): Baseline labels. (See also :func:`generate_baselines_and_labels`) """ centre = attrib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(EarthLocation)) ant_labels = attrib(default=None) ant_itrf_xyz = attrib(default=None, validator=_validator_optional_ndarray) ant_local_xyz = attrib(default=None, validator=_validator_optional_ndarray) baseline_local_xyz = attrib(init=False, default=None) baseline_labels = attrib(init=False, default=None) def __attrs_post_init__(self): """ Generate the baselines and baseline-labels """ self.baseline_local_xyz, self.baseline_labels = generate_baselines_and_labels( self.ant_local_xyz, self.ant_labels ) @property def lat(self): lon, lat, height = self.centre.to_geodetic() return lat @property def lon(self): lon, lat, height = self.centre.to_geodetic() return lon @property def height(self): lon, lat, height = self.centre.to_geodetic() return height @staticmethod
[docs] def from_itrf(ant_itrf_xyz, ant_labels): """ Instantiate telescope model from ITRF co-ordinates of antennae (aka ECEF-coords, i.e. Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed reference frame.) Takes care of calculating central Latitude and Longitude from the mean antenna position, and converts the antenna positions into local-XYZ frame. Args: ant_itrf_xyz (numpy.ndarray): Array co-ordinatates in the ITRF frame ant_labels (list[str]): Antennae labels Returns: Telescope: A telescope class with the given array co-ords. """ mean_posn = np.mean(ant_itrf_xyz, axis=0) centre = EarthLocation.from_geocentric(mean_posn[0], mean_posn[1], mean_posn[2], unit=u.m, ) lon, lat, height = centre.to_geodetic() mean_subbed_itrf = ant_itrf_xyz - mean_posn rotation = z_rotation_matrix(lon) ant_local_xyz =, mean_subbed_itrf.T).T return Telescope( centre=centre, ant_labels=ant_labels, ant_itrf_xyz=ant_itrf_xyz, ant_local_xyz=ant_local_xyz, )
[docs] def lha(self, ra, time): """ Calculate the local hour angle of a target-RA at a given time Args: ra (astropy.coordinates.Longitude): Right ascension time (astropy.time.Time): Timestamp Returns: astropy.coordinates.Longitude: Local Hour Angle of target-RA. """ return self.lst(time) - ra
[docs] def lst(self, time): """ Calculate the local sidereal time at the telescope Args: time (astropy.time.Time): Global timestamp Returns: astropy.coordinates.Longitude: Local sidereal time expressed as an angle-Quantity. """ return time.sidereal_time('apparent', longitude=self.lon)
[docs] def next_transit(self, target_ra, start_time, ): """ Wrapper around :py:func:`.time_of_next_transit` See :py:func:`.time_of_next_transit` for details. Args: target_ra (astropy.coordinates.Longitude): Right ascension of sky-target. start_time (astropy.time.Time): Time to start from. Returns: astropy.time.Time: Approximate time of the next transit """ return time_of_next_transit(observer_longitude=self.lon, target_ra=target_ra, start_time=start_time)
[docs] def uvw_at_local_hour_angle(self, local_hour_angle, dec): """ Transform baselines to UVW for source at given local-hour-angle and Dec. Args: local_hour_angle (astropy.units.Quantity): Local hour angle. LHA=0 is transit, LHA=-6h is rising, LHA=+6h is setting. [Dimensions of angular width / arc, e.g. ``u.deg``, ``u.rad``, or ``u.hourangle``] dec (astropy.units.Quantity): Declination. [Dimensions of angular width / arc] Returns: astropy.units.Quantity: UVW-array, with units of metres. [Shape: ``(3, n_baselines)``, dtype: ``numpy.float_``]. """ rotation = xyz_to_uvw_rotation_matrix(local_hour_angle, dec) uvw =, self.baseline_local_xyz.T).T return uvw
def _uvw_tracking_skycoord_by_lha(self, pointing_centre, obs_times, progress_update=None): """ Calculate the UVW-array towards pointing centre for each obs_time. Each obs_time corresponds to a local hour-angle (LHA) for the given pointing centre. This function returns an OrderedDict mapping those LHA's (in same ordering as obs_times) to an ndarray of uvw-coords corresponding to that instantaneous observation. Args: pointing_centre (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord): Pointing centre co-ords for UVW calculation. obs_times (list): List of :class:`astropy.time.Time`, the instants of observation. Returns: dict: Mapping from LHA (astropy.coordinates.Longitude)-> UVW-array, ( array of ``astropy.units.Quantity``), units of metres. """ lha_uvw_map = OrderedDict() for time in obs_times: lha = self.lha(pointing_centre.ra, time) lha_uvw_map[lha] = self.uvw_at_local_hour_angle( local_hour_angle=lha, dec=pointing_centre.dec ) if progress_update: progress_update(1) return lha_uvw_map
[docs] def uvw_tracking_skycoord(self, pointing_centre, obs_times, progress_bar=None): """ Calculate the UVW-array towards pointing centre for all obs_times. This function calculates an ndarray of uvw-coords corresponding to an instantaneous observation at each of ``obs_times``, concatenating the results to produce an ndarray of shape ``(n_baselines * len(obs_times), 3)`` Args: pointing_centre (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord): Pointing centre co-ords for UVW calculation. obs_times (list): List of :class:`astropy.time.Time`, the instants of observation. progress_bar (tqdm.tqdm): [Optional] progressbar to update. Returns: astropy.units.Quantity: UVW-array, with units of metres. """ n_baselines = len(self.baseline_local_xyz) uvw_array = np.zeros((len(obs_times) * n_baselines, 3), dtype=np.float_) * self.baseline_local_xyz.unit if progress_bar is not None: reset_progress_bar(progress_bar, len(obs_times), 'Generating UVW-baselines') for idx, time in enumerate(obs_times): lha = self.lha(pointing_centre.ra, time) output_slice = slice(idx * n_baselines, (idx + 1) * n_baselines) uvw_array[output_slice] = self.uvw_at_local_hour_angle( local_hour_angle=lha, dec=pointing_centre.dec ) if progress_bar is not None: progress_bar.update() return uvw_array
[docs]def generate_baselines_and_labels(antenna_positions, antenna_labels): """ Given an array of antenna positions, generate an array of baseline-vectors. Baseline-vectors are generated as follows: - It is assumed that the antenna-positions supplied are already in the desired order, with matching labels in the antenna_labels list. (Typically something like ``['ANT1','ANT2','ANT3']``. - Pairings are then generated according to position in the supplied list, as follows:: pairings = list(itertools.combinations(range(len(antenna_positions)), 2)) - Baseline labels are concatenated with a comma, e.g. pairing of ``'ANT1'`` and ``'ANT2'`` has label ``'ANT1,ANT2'``. - Baseline vectors represent translation **from** first antenna **to** second antenna, therefore:: baseline_1_2 = ant_2_pos - ant_1_pos Args: antenna_positions (astropy.units.Quantity): Antennae xyz_positions in local-XYZ frame. [dtype: ``np.float_``, shape ``(n_antennae,3,)``. antenna_labels (list): Antennae labels Returns: tuple: ``(baseline_vecs, baseline_labels)``. Both of length :math:`n_{baselines} = {n_{antennae} \choose 2}`, where ``baseline_labels`` is simply a list of strings, and ``baseline_vecs`` is a (numpy.ndarray) [dtype: ``np.float_``, shape ``(n_baselines,3,)``. """ assert len(antenna_positions) == len(antenna_labels) # Check that the antenna labels are unique: assert len(set(antenna_labels)) == len(antenna_labels) pairings = list(combinations(range(len(antenna_positions)), 2)) n_baselines = len(pairings) baseline_vecs = np.zeros((n_baselines, 3), dtype=np.float_) baseline_vecs = baseline_vecs * antenna_positions.unit baseline_labels = [None] * n_baselines for baseline_idx, pair in enumerate(pairings): ant_1_idx, ant_2_idx = pair baseline_labels[baseline_idx] = ','.join( (antenna_labels[ant_1_idx], antenna_labels[ant_2_idx])) baseline_vecs[baseline_idx] = ( antenna_positions[ant_2_idx] - antenna_positions[ant_1_idx] ) return baseline_vecs, baseline_labels
[docs]def hstack_table_columns_as_ndarray(cols): """ When passed a subset of astropy Table columns, turn them into a 2-d ndarray. (Note, columns should have same dtype) Example: >>> import numpy as np >>> import astropy.table >>> x = np.arange(5) >>> y = x**2 >>> t = astropy.table.Table(data=(x,y), names=('x','y')) >>> hstack_table_columns_as_ndarray(t.columns[:2]) array([[ 0, 0], [ 1, 1], [ 2, 4], [ 3, 9], [ 4, 16]]) Args: cols (list): List (or iterable) of :class:`astropy.table.TableColumns`. Typically a table or a slice of a table's columns. Returns: numpy.ndarray: H-stacked columns-array. """ tmp_tbl = Table(cols) return np.hstack(tmp_tbl[cname].reshape(-1, 1) for cname in tmp_tbl.colnames)
[docs]def parse_itrf_ascii_to_xyz_and_labels(tabledata): """ Read ITRF data in ascii format and return (antenna positions, labels). ASCII table should be simple whitespace-delimited, column order: ``x y z diameter label mount`` Args: tabledata: (str, file-like, or list). File-object or path-to-file. Returns: tuple: Tuple of ``(ant_itrf_xyz, ant_labels)``, where ``ant_itrf_xyz`` is a `numpy.ndarray` of shape ``(n,3)``, dtype ``np.float_`` and ant_labels is a `numpy.ndarray` of shape ``(n,)``, dtype ``np.str_``. """ tbl =, names=('x', 'y', 'z', 'diameter', 'label', 'mount')) xyz = hstack_table_columns_as_ndarray(tbl.columns[:3]) * u.m labels = tbl['label'].data return xyz, labels